Protection & Warning of LV Low Voltage Cables & Utility Services | Non-detectable & Detectable Warning Tapes

Locata underground cable warning tapes are a part of the Cable Protection Covers range from CentriforceThey offer a cable protection and cable strike avoidance solution for identifying underground pipes and cables due to coloured polyethylene tapes printed with a warning message.

Cable protection and strike avoidance products are used for new utility and electricity connections where mains cabling and trenching requires the identification of Low Voltage (LV) Cables.

Cable warning tapes provide a clear visual indication of the presence of buried services and location marking for underground electric cables – this includes High Voltage Cable Below printing for power cable protection above 1000 Volts (Service Cables). A detectable cable warning tape is also available – the underground tape features an embedded stainless steel tracer wire enabling detection from the surface using cable avoidance tools (CAT and Genny) prior to excavation.


Centriforce Locata underground cable warning tapes are coloured plastic, non-adhesive film manufactured from linear low-density polyethylene. Centriforce marker tape is printed with a message to warn of the presence of buried utilities e.g. electric cables, telecommunications or fibre optic cables, gas pipelines or water pipelines.

Underground warning tape is usually installed a certain distance directly above the service line to be clearly marked ensuring future excavators will be aware of the cable or pipeline further below.

Warning and marker tapes will only offer a visual warning to excavators. They are not intended to offer any protection or resistance to further excavation. Marker tapes may also be used in combination with Stokbord cable protection tiles or Tapetile cable protection tape.
